So, it's only half past 2 and I feel like there's the whole day ahead - so what's next to do? That's my trouble - I have so mant things going around in my head, I don't know what to do first! Well this morning I woke up with all intention of decorating the downstairs loo because I knew that I could get the little project finished. But.....whilst looking at the emails on the computer, I noticed my EZ Dresden plate ruler and so that was it! Just gotta sew!! And here it is...actually finished. And that was before lunch, so I then tackled the patio. Pruned a few roses (don't know whether it's the right time to do that?), pulled a few weeds, rearranged the pots and swept away last years leaves which I found lurking, and then potted some plants which mother-in-law gave me yesterday!
Now with cuppa in hand, I'm thinking what should I do next?
If you pop back later, you might see what I decided!